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Huslianka: Carpathian yogurt

The Carpathian region is rich in delicious authentic products. Amid the local nature and mountains, the locals make traditional cheeses – bryndza, budz, and vurda. How about huslianka – authentic Carpathian yogurt?

Legend says that mountain molfars (people with magical abilities) gifted locals with the recipe of this drink of health, youth, and longevity. The uniqueness of the recipe lies in milk’s specific fermentation with lactic acid bacteria.

The hutsul shepherds were the first to make huslianka. Milk, slowly cooked in a cauldron, is then fermented in clay jugs, the walls of which have been priorly smeared with sour cream. All this produces a tasty dairy product similar to sour cream or fermented baked milk.

Huslianka is also known as “sour milk,” “winter milk” (it is made at the end of the summer to conserve milk, which is then consumed in wintertime).

There are different recipes of huslianka in each region. It can be added to grits or potatoes. In the summer, hutsuls make refreshing beverages using huslianka  –  they add spring water and fresh cottage cheese, and sour cream. Huslianka is often consumed as a sauce or added to desserts. In the mountains, it is often eaten with varenyky and various porridges.

Huslianka improves digestion, normalizes weight, and helps overcome hangover.

It is easy to make huslianka at home.


1 l milk, one tablespoon sour cream.

Boil the milk and let it cool down to 35-40 degrees.  Take a clean jug or a regular jar and smear the walls with sour cream. Wrap it in a towel and do not cover with a lid. Put in a warm place for 12 hours. Then put in the fridge for several hours.

Bon appetit! Once in the Carpathians, make sure to try this drink as the Carpathian molfars gifted it.