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Khust-style Tocan with Bryndza

Tocan recipe has not changed for centuries, yet you will feel the differences and specificity of taste if you travel to the Carpathians.

Each region in the Carpathians has its traditional cuisine, unlike the others. The distinctions are created by locals’ lifestyle, recipes, and tastes.

We would like to offer an original recipe for making this popular dish as suggested by sheep shepherds of the Khust district.

To make tocan, you will need:

  • Two glasses corn flour
  • Six glasses water
  • 200 g Khust Area Traditional Bryndza
  • 80 g smoked pork fat
  • salt ad gustum


Tocan is made in a large pot (better a cauldron). Pour in some water, add salt and four tablespoons of corn flour and bring to a boil. Then add the remaining flour in a small stream. Stir slowly using a wooden spoon.

Then, take the smoked pork fat to make lard and crispy fat. Put the lard and crisps aside.

Take a large plate, not too deep. Spread the lard on the bottom and walls of the plate.

Put a thin layer (2 cm) of tocan on the bottom and sprinkle it with bryndza. Continue layering up until you reach the top of the plate or run out of the product. Cover the top layer with bryndza and pork fat crisps, add some greens ad gustum.